Aren't you glad it's finally Friday? Time to tune into our weekend zen. | Photo by Telegraph UK.
Aren’t you glad it’s finally Friday? Time to tune into our weekend zen. | Photo by Telegraph UK.

Hello Friday, welcome back! We’ve been looking for you since Monday and expecting your arrival since Wednesday. Please stay a little longer this time, okay? Because we all need a longer break. Well, depends on how you see it but this weekend can be a long weekend because Deepavali falls on this coming Tuesday, 10 November 2015, and for those who are going away for the Festival of Lights would have taken Monday, 09 November 2015, off as well. I did, even though I’m not celebrating the festival. But it’s good to relax and unwind a little. After all, we’ve all been working hard during the week.

Doesn’t the picture just make you yearn for a vacation? It does, for me, but this time around, I’ll be taking a staycation instead. Going away for long weekends incur quite a lot of costs. Especially on long public holiday weekends. Many holiday accommodations will have increased their prices during peak periods and the long queues of traffic heading to the same place as you won’t do you any favours for your petrol consumption. My staycation this weekend will be at home with my husband, doing what we’ve always wanted to do for our R&R, and at our own pace.

This is where my dilemma starts. I’m sure nobody has just ONE thing they like to do while relaxing. If bubble baths are your thing, it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to spend all day in the tub, soaking up the suds. By the time you get out, you will look like a prune. Have you seen your fingertips after being too long in the swimming pool? Yeah, they look like prunes. So here’s my problem. I love to read and I’d love to catch up on some reading. I love gaming (Dungeon Siege series), and I’d love to spend hours levelling up my stats and saving the world. I’ve also recently got re-acquainted with my childhood hobby of colouring (I’m using Staedtler’s Triplus Colour ink pens on Johanna Basford’s ‘The Enchanted Forest‘ and ‘The Lost Ocean‘) and I’ve been hooked ever since.

I’d also love to go out and try new cafes, do laps in our condo swimming pool, skinny-dip at Templer’s Park in Selayang, cycle at Bukit Cerakah in Shah Alam, and trek through Bukit Gasing. And I’d want to play with my cat as well, or he will feel lonely. I can do everything over the weekend but that means cramming everything in and not being able to enjoy myself because of the shortage of time spent doing each and every one of them. Which is not fun at all.

Strange, isn’t it? You have so many things that you want to do but you don’t have all the time in the world to do them. Definitely #firstworldproblems, don’t you think? What are YOUR plans for this Deepavali long weekend? Assuming you took Monday off, like me, hee hee.