Photo by Andrew Neel.

Spring cleaning isn’t something I’d look forward to, especially on weekends because it means unearthing old junk and disturbing the thick layers of dust covering said junk. It always leaves me in a sneezing fit. And it also means having to do housework when all you really want to do is relax.

But it’s okay. It’s not that bad. It’s not as if I’m going full Marie Kondo. I just tell myself to think of it as a glorified treasure hunt.

Because of the stuff I’d find after many years of squirrelling them away. I found old notebooks with yellowed pages, a plastic bag of seashells and various-sized pebbles I picked up on the many beach vacations I took over the years, an old diary dating back to 2012 when I was in a boring desk job and yearned for a writing career (I do have a writing career now because I made the leap to change my job direction; I guess I could have told my younger self not to worry as it would all work out in the end), and a Mjolnir phone power bank (below).


Miraculously, it still works.

But then I also found something else that made me wonder at the marvels of technology and how advanced we are today. Some of you may not know this but we used to carry around the clamshell phones (or flip phones) and gadgets with seemingly tiny screens compared to what we have today.




Believe it or not, but these were seen as the hot stuff back in my day! Amazing, isn’t it? Of course, the only thing that is not amazing is that these things don’t work anymore. At least, I don’t think they do. Have you uncovered any fossils in your home lately?